Intentionally diluting the meaning of U.S. citizenship

Peter J. Spiro in his recent book, "Beyond Citizenship: American Identity After Globalization," maintains that the decline of citizenship as a "meaningful" or "real" concept is irreversible. It has become a mere legalistic idea based on rights, not duties, and nations compete for immigrants. Spiro despises A2, S1, C5 of the Constitution.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act...George Orwell
Let's be clear.
The eligibility requirement for POTUS is natural born citizen, not naturalized citizen, not native born citizen, not citizen of the United States.
Each type of citizenship has a legal definition and is very specific despite the attempts by Team Obama, the co-conspirators in the judiciary, Congress, and the MSM to conflate the terms and bastardize the Presidency.
Stanley Ann Dunham Obama - British wife

The mandates of the Act of 1948 are clear, once an underage, then married wife of a British subject entered Canada to gain entranced to another colonial state in Kenya, flying through London of Britain, Stanley Ann Obama was a British wife, carrying a British child within her with full benefits and legal rights and responsibilities forever upon her and Barack Jr.

The Intentional Dilution of U.S. Citizenship

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Published on: October 27, 2011

“Constitutional questions do not require constitutional decisions. If non-judicial actors, including Congress (Frank, Hatch, Kennedy, Waters, Graham, McCaskill, Conyers), editorialists (NY Times, MSNBC, LA Times et. al.), leading members of the bar (Turley, Dean, Epstein, Toobin), and the People themselves (can you say Kool-Aid?)manage to generate a constitutional consensus, there isn’t much that the courts can do about it.

In cases such as this one, at least, that seems to be an acceptable method of constitutional determination.“   Law professor Peter J. Spiro

CNN, FOX NEWS, & MSNBC investigators looking for proof that Obama is a natural born citizen.

The plan that was devised sometime in 2004, just in time for Barack Obama to run for POTUS.

Members of both parties had long hated the NBC clause because the clause automatically disqualified some of their favorites. Think Marco Rubio and you’ll understand why the GOP and FOX never outed the fraud OBAMA.

Since taking the time to change the NBC clause would mean adding a new amendment to the Constitution, the idea was/is to simply ignore it and conflate natural born citizenship with citizenship.

No one in either party wanted to take the time or risk that once Americans were given the truth about the rationale behind natural born citizenship that it would be defeated.

So what to do, what to do? Easy, just pretend the NBC clause is of no importance or doesn’t exist. Say it often, and beat the drum, beat the drum.

This could only be accomplished with the continued ongoing support of the MSM and all the cable networks. They continue to comply.

Ever hear one story about how Obama’s mother was underage at the time of her “marriage” thus making her a British wife? No, of course not.

Stanley Ann Dunham Obama

The mandates of the Act of 1948 are clear, once an underage, then married wife of a British subject entered Canada to gain entranced to another colonial state in Kenya, flying through London of Britain, Stanley Ann Obama was a British wife, carrying a British child within her with full benefits and legal rights and responsibilities forever upon her and Barack Jr.

Intentionally diluting the meaning of U.S. citizenship

Peter J. Spiro in his recent book, “Beyond Citizenship: American Identity After Globalization,” maintains that the decline of citizenship as a “meaningful” or “real” concept is irreversible.

It has become a mere legalistic idea based on rights, not duties, and nations compete for immigrants.

Let me say, yet again, Spiro despises A2, S1, C5 of the Constitution.

How many times must we say this? In order for a person to be a NBC, BOTH parents must be U.S. citizens at the time of birth!

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