Defense of Obama’s Ineligibility & Phony Birth Certificate Finally Beginning to Wane

A shocking change in the content of reporting at NBC, CNN and CBS indicates the pro-Obama media are beginning to stagger under the weight of facts which plainly show that Barack Obama has never provided valid, corroborated documentation proving he is constitutionally eligible to hold the office of president.


The following article written by Dan Crosby of The Daily Pen is an important read. It also shows how far we’ve come and how far the Left Stream Media continues to go to protect the fraud in the White House.

New York, NY – The pro-Obama, liberal mainstream media is showing symptoms of fatigue in their endless defense of Barack Obama’s fraudulent identity.

A sudden reverse in liberal media content indicates they are realizing defense of Obama’s “eligibility” based on rapidly fading support of his fraudulent birth certificate is no longer sustainable. The lies about Obama’s identity are becoming too heavy for those undersold as errand-slaves for the bowing liberal consensus.


In at least two broadcasts by CBS ad MSNBC, following Mitt Romney’s campaign rally joke about his own birth certificate, hosts from the leftist networks used a new word to defend Barack Obama’s fading credibility.


Defense of Obama’s “legitimacy”, not “eligibility”, is now emanating from media propagandists indicating they can no longer defend the lie that the digitally forged image of an alleged 1961 “Certificate of Live Birth” proves he is “eligible” to be president. Now, they are desperately hoping everyone will forget their abetment of the “eligibility by fake computer image” lie and show grace for Obama’s contingent claims to “legitimacy by popularity” instead.”


The balance is here: link

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