Natural Born Citizen

There now exists overwhelming evidence that Obama is a fraud, knowingly ineligible to run for POTUS.

What follows is an “Obama is Brit Primer” for those who want to put an end to the biggest fraudulent election in American history.

Is Barack Obama a “natural born citizen” as required under our Constitution?


Natural born citizenship status in a nation is granted by the facts of nature of your birth. No law or statute is necessary to grant it. The nations can make any law they wish to make a person a citizen at birth or later. But natural born citizenship can only be conveyed by nature by the facts at birth of the child.

If you are born in the country of two citizen parents you are “naturally” … a “natural born citizen” … a citizen too … but a specific kind of citizen who is eligible to be the President and Commander-in-Chief of our military since the child when born has sole allegiance to this country and there is no claim on him/her by a foreign country or power as to their citizenship at birth by that country too.

Natural born citizens have unity of citizenship at birth. A natural born citizen is NOT a dual citizen at birth. A natural born citizen has no divided loyalty issues by his birth since the child was born in the country to two citizens of the country

Has Barack Obama ever been eligible to hold office?

NO, but the answer has less to do with his birth certificate than with the status of his citizenship at the time of his birth. The birth certificate has become a purposeful distraction from the larger issues surrounding Obama and the presidency. Obama’s Kenyan father was a British national who passed his citizenship to his son. His mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, could not automatically pass her citizenship to Obama because she was underage at the time of his birth. There is a very strong legal argument to be made that Obama was born a British citizen. Clarifies Barack’s Citizenship (often referred to by Obama supporters as proof!)

“When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children.

Since Sen. Obama has neither renounced his U.S. citizenship nor sworn an oath of allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4,1982.” ( Say what? His Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4,1982…OBAMA IS INELIGIBLE TO BE POTUS)

Does it matter if he was born in Hawaii or Kenya?

NO, Hawaii or Kenya, it doesn’t matter! What matters is his citizenship status on August 4, 1961. Whether he was legally born a British citizen or with dual citizenship, either automatically disqualifies him for POTUS. For people who are ignorant of the real issues, it is easy to say he was born in Hawaii and that his mother was a U.S. citizen and to dismiss anyone who questions as racist, Republican, wingnut propaganda. It doesn’t change the facts.

Has this country ever had a President that is a dual citizen?


Is Obama a U.S. citizen?

YES … maybe, but not a natural born citizen as is Constitutionally required. Since he and his legal team haven’t released a single record that buttresses his claim, it is hard to conclusively know what his citizenship status is. It is possible that he is a naturalized citizen? Yes, but his citizenship claim is complicated by the fact that his mother renounced her citizenship when she married her second husband, Lolo Soetoro and moved to Indonesia. Her renunciation of U.S. citizenship impacted on Obama’s citizenship status. Existing documents of Obama’s time in Kenya list him as an Indonesian and a Muslim)

Not to complicate things any further, but we also have all of those social security numbers that are ascribed to Obama. The SS# he uses was issued to a man (now deceased) from Connecticut.

Is seeing the long form of his birth certificate important?

YES, but not necessarily to determine if he was born in the United States. The Constitution requires that a candidate running for office of the President be a natural born citizen…not a naturalized citizen, or native born citizen, or dual citizen. Obama’s own website acknowledges that his citizenship was governed by the British Nationality Act of 1948.

But the MSM keeps saying he’s a citizen and he was born in Hawaii … and what about the birth announcements and the birth certificate that I’ve seen?

IT DOESN’T MATTER! Let me say it again, what matters is Obama’s citizenship status the moment he was born. Everything else is secondary. The story provides plausible cover but it is a very small part of the seminal issues surrounding Obama’s citizenship. Anyone can place an announcement in the newspaper. The act of placing an announcement in a newspaper proves nothing. The “birth certificate” shown on the Internet is a phony AND probably inadmissible in a court of law!

Now that Obama has released a long form version of  his birth certificate it doesn’t change the fact that his citizenship was governed by the British Nationality Act of 1948. He’s a Brit! Obama was Born a Brit, Not Legit!

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